- 5 Large Sweet Potatoes (washed well and cut in half – I like cutting them long-ways)
- 2½ Tablespoons Orange Juice (one regular-sized orange that’s juiced should give you at least this much juice)
- ¼ cup Sucanat natural sweetener
- 3 Tablespoons Butter (store-bought or homemade butter)
- 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
- ¾ cup Rolled Oats (regular or quick-cook)
- 4-5 Tablespoons Sucanat natural sweetener
- 2 Tablespoons Whole Wheat Flour
- ½ teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
- 3 Tablespoons cold Butter
- Boil the sweet potatoes (with skins on) until you can easily stick a fork in the center. You can peel and chop the sweet potatoes ahead of time, but the skins come off SOO easily after you boil them that I prefer to do it this way even if the boiling takes a little bit longer.
- Drain the water from the sweet potatoes and allow to cool a little. You want them still to be pretty warm, but not too hot to handle.
- Once you can handle the sweet potatoes without getting burned, peel off the skins using a knife to help if necessary. Put the peeled sweet potatoes into a large mixing bowl. Add the butter, orange juice, Sucanat and vanilla extract and mix well until everything is fully blended and the butter is melted. You might need to scrape the sides of the mixing bowl a few times during the process with a spatula.
- Put the rolled oats into a food processor and process it on high until it makes a powder. You could leave the oats large if you wanted to, but my kids like it better if it's more powdery.
- Mix the powdered oats, Sucanat, flour, and cinnamon together in a small bowl. Add the butter and cut in with a pastry knife... or just use your hands! 🙂 You want to blend it until it's all crumbly and somewhat stays together when you squish it.
- Put the sweet potato mixture into a greased dish and top with crumb mixture. (Next time I might use a bigger dish so the crumb mix is spread out a little more).
- Bake in a 350 degree oven for around 30-35 minutes until the crumb topping is cooked (check regularly towards the end to make sure it doesn't burn). Serve and enjoy!!
This recipe makes about 6 servings and, in my opinion, is pretty awesome!!
If you aren’t a fan of the crumb topping then you could always make some homemade organic marshmallows or homemade sugar-free marshmallows to put on top before you put it in the oven (just don’t cook it as long and watch it CAREFULLY to prevent burning!)
Click here for more healthy holiday recipes!
I am not a fan of the traditional over-sweet. sweet potato mush that is normally served, nor is my family. I also do not like mashed foods (I known I am weird), so, I am thinking of leaving the potatoes slightly undercooked and in small chunks, tossed with the juice and vanilla. Then, for the topping leaving the oats whole or barely processed. I may make this instead of the sweet potatoes just being baked.
@Lynda, That sounds really yummy Lynda! Let us know how it turns out 🙂
I made this for Thanksgiving this year, and my family LOVED it. I used Stevia, instead of Sucanat — and I think next time I make it, i’ll cut back on it a bit since Stevia seems to be a bit on the sweeter side. But other than that, it was delicious! A definite must add to my recipe book! Thanks so much for sharing! 🙂
I love sweet potato casserole. But never once think to have it with crumbs. I was thinking to mix the crumbs with nuts and dried fruits. I think I need to try this as soon as possible.
I always bake my sweet potatoes. They keep all of their flavor that way.
Can anyone tell me how much real sugar I can use instead of the sweetener?