Ryan and I have been grain-free for over a year now and haven’t looked back! It has been an amazing journey and one that we are so thankful we started on last February.
Several years ago we had a friend who was gluten-free. I remember asking her, “what in the world do you eat??” And when people find out that Ryan and I are grain-free, that’s always the first question that they ask us as well.
We eat, and we eat plenty! I laugh every time I think about my question to my friend. Were grains really *that* big of a part of our diet??
So I thought I’d share some (10 to be exact) of my favorite places to find amazing grain-free and/or Paleo recipes.
A grain-free diet would exclude all of the following:
Wheat, Rye, Barley, Bran, Bulgur, Couscous, Farina, Kamut, Orzo, Semolina, Sorghum, Spelt, Corn, Rice, Oats, Millet, Beer
A “Paleo” diet excludes all of the following:
All grains listed in a grain-free diet, dairy, refined sugars, legumes (beans, peas, and peanuts), and potatoes
Ryan and I are somewhere in between these two. We are both completely grain-free and we both don’t eat regular white potatoes. Ryan would align more with the Paleo diet (very very minimal dairy, no refined sugar at all, and no sweet potatoes) but he still eats legumes (and so do I).
Whether you’re grain-free, paleo, or somewhere in between, hopefully these resources can help you as much as they’ve helped us!
Woah, I can have crepes!? Pies!? Scones!? Chips!?!? Pretty much all of the things that I thought I would be giving up forever can be made for grain-free or Paleo lifestyles. There’s a reason this book is a New York Times Bestseller. Every recipe I’ve tried is incredible and the pictures are phenomenal (and there’s a huge full-page photo for EVERY recipe). Danielle Walker completely changed her life and healed an autoimmune disease through her grain-free lifestyle.
In addition to her book, Danielle also has a blog with more great photos and recipes! I also highly recommend reading her before and after story!
The Paleo Mom is the author of The Paleo Approach and is a huge online resource not only for Paleo recipes but also for lots of different Paleo resources like paleo ingredients to always have on hand, how to eat Paleo with kids, Paleo struggles, and more! Sarah also has a huge section for how to treat Autoimmune diseases with a Paleo diet.
It’s not often that I spend $35 on a book. In fact, I don’t know if I had EVER spent $35 on a book until I finally was convinced to buy this one. And it has been worth every penny. Not only have I lost a lot of weight that I thought was unlosable (that’s a word, right?) by using the principles in the book, but I now have a great collection of recipes that go along with my grain-free lifestyle (the book is half a recipe book, and half understanding-how-our-bodies-work book). Trim Healthy Mama isn’t specifically grain-free or Paleo (they incorporate a few sprouted grains) but a majority of their recipes are grain-free.
While Lynn’s focus is primarily gluten-free living, she has a ton of great recipes that are also grain-free or that could be adapted to be grain-free.
Sally Fallon’s book of traditional cooking is one of my favorites! It’s not a “grain-free” or “paleo” cookbook, but so many of the recipes and cooking traditions covered in this book are helpful to know for general healthy living. There aren’t many cookbooks that I think are must-haves, but this one and Against All Grain are the two that I think should be in every kitchen.
I recently ran across the Paleo On A Budget blog and just love the heart and message behind it! Liz shares her weekly menu plans and shopping trips to show that living a Paleo lifestyle doesn’t have to break the bank.
Kalyn’s Kitchen is another blog that isn’t necessarily grain-free, but she focuses heavily on low-glycemic foods which ends up being a lot of great grain-free recipes! A lot of her recipes are geared towards difference phases of the South Beach Diet Phase 1 (which would exclude most grains).
9. Elana’s Pantry
Elana’s website is a huge resource of recipes for breakfast, bread, snacks, soup, salads, dinner, veggies, condiments, desserts and more! She also has a Paleo cookbook that looks great and has great reviews too!
10. Our Grain-Free/Paleo/Gluten-Free Pinterest Board
We have a wonderful group of bloggers who contribute to our Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, and/or Paleo Recipes Pinterest Board! Just click on the board above to follow it!
**If you are a blogger who would like to contribute your recipes to our Pinterest board, feel free to send me an email through our contact form with your Pinterest email address. 🙂 **
If you want more healthy living tips, recipes, & natural remedies, you can sign up for our FREE Healthy Living newsletter here!
For those of you who are also grain-free or Paleo, what are your favorite resources? Feel free to share your favorite online resources or books that you think are must-haves!
Great list – thanks for sharing!
thanks so much
Thank you!!!
What a great list; I’m honored to be included with some of these other great bloggers.
I’ve been thinking about going grain free for a while but I’ve not looked into it too far since I assumed it would be a hard transition. Thanks for the recommendations, I’ll have to check them out.