Did you guys know that May is National Vinegar Month?? Well, in honor of National Vinegar Month, I thought I would do a Survival Tip Tuesday post on the ways that we use Vinegar!
Vinegar is a very inexpensive alternative to many everyday household items and Apple Cider Vinegar is an excellent home remedy (in my personal opinion – see disclaimer below!)
Here are some of the ways that we personally use vinegar:
1) As a cleaner. Fill a spray bottle 3/4 full with Distilled Water, add about 1-2 cups of vinegar and then add some Tea Tree Oil (this will be your most expensive item but it last forever!) Use it on your counters, to clean the stove, kitchen table, etc… It works great and you can feel great about your kids using it too! I also use a variation of this to mop my floors. I put hot water in the sink, add some white vinegar, and then several drops of rose oil (you can also add salt if you would like to). My floors look good AND smell good too! 🙂
2) With the laundry. Adding vinegar to your washing machine load works as a fabric softener, helps prevent static, and makes your clothes brighter! If you have a place where fabric softener goes, you can pour the vinegar in there.
3) To clean the microwave and the coffee maker! To clean the microwave, just stick about half a cup of vinegar in and microwave it for about 30 seconds. The junk inside just wipes clean! As much as we love our Gevalia coffee maker, it isn’t self cleaning! About once a month we run a vinegar/water mix through the coffee maker and it gets it clean every time!
4) As dandruff shampoo! My husband has always dealt with pretty bad dandruff, so he started using apple cider vinegar and letting it stay on his scalp for about an hour several times a week. The problem disappeared within weeks! I wrote a whole post about this HERE.
5) For eczema. My daughter deals with eczema on her arms and I had recently started to get it a little on my hands. After doing some research online I decided to start taking apple cider vinegar tablets and it COMPLETELY went away! I was amazed!
There are HUNDREDS of great uses for vinegar…. getting rust off of nails, unclogging shower heads, killing weeds, killing bacteria in meat, and much more!
What are your favorite uses for vinegar? I’d love to hear!
Disclaimer: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on this website. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.
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fivemonkiesreview says
I am a total vinegar for cleaning freak! I love it for windows!
shannon says
I love Vinegar for the laundry. Like if you have a load of stinky clothes or you leave the clothes in the washer and they smell sour a cup or 2 and all is good.
Anonymous says
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Dolli-Mama says
I love using bakingsoda and vinegar for cleaning the gunk off of the stove! Works like a charm!
Cal Orey, Author-Intuitive says
Gotta share. I wrote the bible on vinegar. The Healing Powers of Vinegar, Revised and Updated (now available in mass market edition and trade cover). I discuss health improvements, home cures, pet, beauty, and house cleaning — with vinegars. Not just ACV but RWV, herbal, fruit vinegars, too. And, to die for recipes by spa chefs.
Anonymous says
Chels says
Where do you purchase apple cider vinegar tablets? My sis has bad eczema on her hands.
poeteangel says
I keep a bottle of vinegar in the shower and use it as an after shower cleaner. 🙂 I also add baking soda and vinegar to the shower drain once a week to keep it clear and clean the kitchen counters with it. I go through a gallon bottle of the stuff a week!
In comment to the above poster: I just bought some ACV tablets at Whole Foods for around $13. I’ve also seen them at CVS. 🙂
Sunlit_Moon says
Try apple cider vinegar for removing warts (i learned about it at earthclinic.com). You soak a little piece of cotton in ACV, and keep it on the wart with band-aids as you sleep. For some it takes a couple nights of this; for others, it takes weeks, but *most* people find it eventually kills the wart and makes it fall off…for good!
Marie says
vinegar is an acid, and so works well to dry up or etch off anything gunky. But it also works in the garden. I mix vinegar with liquid seaweed and soap and spray on apple trees. It keeps the apple scab at bay.
Shelly says
I love vinegar as a cleaner, and use it to wash my cloth diapers, along with baking soda.
Also, apple cider vinegar works wonders for sore throats. Gargling it straight works best but tastes horrible, so sometimes I dilute it. Just gargle and swallow…kills all the bacteria and helps with the pain, too!
Anonymous says
Dentists nightmare!
After each use, I spay my tooth brush with a squirt of white vinegar, <½teaspoon.
I had to get tart «scratched» off by the dentist twice a year.
I haven't been to the dentist for the past 8 YEARS AND guess what: NO MORE TART!
When I told this to my dentist, he had absolutely no reaction!