What do we do with all this MAYO?!?!
I have been stocking up on the Kraft Mayonnaise at Target while it’s been at 49¢ for the past few weeks…. and now it’s FREE! Oh, what should I do??
I guess I’m just going to have to get creative! We all know that mayo can get gum out of your hair, but how often does that happen (unless you have a gum-chewing three year old, then it might happen pretty often!!)
I have been looking around online for recipes and alternative uses for mayonnaise and there are so many possibilities! 🙂 Here are a few ideas on what you can do with all of this extra Mayo:
1) Make homemade salad dressing! If you didn’t stock up on Salad Dressing when it was free or 8¢ a bottle, you can make your own! Not only can you use these yourself, but you can give them out to neighbors and friends as well! Remember that mayonnaise spoils easily, so it must be kept refrigerated. (These are the recipes with the best ratings on Allrecipes.com)
Thousand Island Dressing
Russian Style Creamy Dressing
Green Goddess Dressing
Creamy Italian Dressing
Ranch Dressing
2) Make Tartar Sauce! I love homemade tartar sauce with grilled, broiled, or pan-seared fish (and fried fish too but I don’t make fried fish that often). You can get several recipes HERE.
3) Use it as a conditioner for your hair! After shampooing, massage 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup of mayo into your hair. Let it sit for about 10-15 minutes, shampoo again (use much less than the first time) and rise with apple cider vinegar (which is great for your hair and also gets rid of the mayo smell) and water.
4) Use it to moisturize your face! Mayonnaise actually helps to remove dead skin cells. Apply a small amount to face (or other dry parts of your body) and leave on for about 15 minutes. Then use a warm wet rag to wipe it off and the dead skin cells will come off too! You can use Apple Cider Vinegar as a toner after the mayo… again, good for your skin and helps to get rid of the mayo smell.
5) Clean your car! Really?? You know those caked on tar patches on the bottom of your car? Apply some mayo to them, let it sit a few minutes and then wipe it off! Reapply if necessary.
6) Relieve sunburn pain! Take some cold mayo out of the fridge and rub it on your sunburn for instant cooling relief. The vinegar in the mayo also helps to relieve the pain.
7) Use instead of Goo-Gone! Goo-Gone (the stuff that gets the sticky glue residue off containers) is pretty expensive, but mayonnaise will do the trick just as well. If you take the label off of a container and the sticky glue part won’t come up, just rub it with some mayonnaise and and a cloth and it will disappear! Make sure to use a different part of the cloth each time you wipe or you will put the sticky stuff back on the container.
8) Keep your hands soft and fingernails strong! Soak the tips of your fingers in mayonnaise every night for 10-15 minutes to soften the tips of your fingers (where the skin gets dry and eventually leads to hangnails) and to strengthen your fingernails. Pretty neat, huh?
9) Give it away! Food banks, neighbors, friends, relatives. Who doesn’t need mayo? 🙂
You can find more mayonnaise recipes HERE.
Do you have any other tips or creative ways to use mayonnaise? Please leave a comment and let us know!
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You could also send some to your friend Amy in KS! 😉 No Target here… {sniff, sniff}
Last summer my girls and I had head lice…TWICE! I used the expensive, harsh chemical treatment on my daughter’s head. She still had lice. So, I used mayo on her and on the rest of us, both times. It works so well! You need to keep it on for a couple of hours before rinsing. If you google “treating head lice with mayonaise,” many posts will come up. The idea is that the mayonaise will suffocate the lice. The only downside is the smell, so if we do it again, I will definitely try rinsing our hair with apple cider vinegar.
Good recipe from Kraft for Tuna Cakes that uses 1/3 cup mayo:
An easier Ranch dressing recipe is to get 3 packets of the Buttermilk Ranch Dressing Mix and then follow the instructions for making 2 packets. I don't remember how many cups it calls for but it is just mayo & buttermilk. If you like a thick Ranch use a little less buttermilk and if you like a runny ranch use a little more buttermilk. PS – It really does need that extra packet for a better flavor. This is our favorite Ranch Dressing but it spoils in a week and makes a lot – either have salad a lot or share with neighbors & friends.
I agree with Rachel. We Struggled with the head lice for months, doing the harsh and expensive chemicles at least 3 times with no success. I finally googled other remedies, and Mayo came up. I smothered mine and my daughters hair in it, put a shower cap on, and slept overnight (not very comfortable, but anything beats having lice!) After we got our showers, and combed once more with a nit comb…we were LICE FREE!
I use mayo in tuna salad(sandwiches… great for lunches!), deviled eggs, and potato salad. All are really great summer dishes!
Wow! Those are some great tips. I also like to dip my french fries in mayo. Yummy!
Thanks for the tips. I might have to try it on my hair this weekend. 🙂
This was a very entertaining post 😉
I never knew all of the wonderful uses for mayo; I got a ton for free, and I don’t even like it! I think I will donate most of it, and keep the rest… I have a HUGE fear of lice.
Thank you for posting this. I have just started couponing and stockpling. I ended up with 26 pounds of white rice, so I had to do a lot of research to find some “exciting” recipes for things with white rice. I also got 25 bottles of salad dressing. My family cannot eat that much salad during the next few months, so I am going to use some for marinades for meat and need to figure out what to do with the rest … I guess that is one of the dangers of stockpiling!!
I heard that you can polish an old boat with it and the paint looks new. I just did a 26 year old boat and a rather scummy motor with it. It is amazing!!! The old oxidized paint is shiny and dark and the motor looks brand new!!!
I am very much interested in deals, coupons and home remedies
i can use anything free with the ecomunity this bad and no job.