But sometimes the store doesn’t have bananas that are even close to fully ripe (you need 3 bananas for the recipe) so I wanted to share how I ripen them really quickly.
All you have to do is put the oven on 350˚ and place the green or semi-green bananas in the oven for 8-10 minutes. They come out soft and mushy – perfect for the breakfast bake (or banana bread)!
If you don’t want them to get dark (i.e. if you just want to ripen it a *little* extra) then put the oven on its lowest setting (typically 170˚) and let the banana(s) stay in the oven for anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
See? So easy!!
I just found this on Pinterest. Love it!! Thank you for sharing!
Hoping this will work for plantains. We moved to the NW and miss Goya brand Platanos Maduros. I tried putting plantains in a brown bag and ripening like that, but it isn’t warm enough in the house. At least not in the winter.
I did this and it worked great. Thanks for posting!