For this week’s Worth It Wednesday, let’s talk about the Keurig!
We have not jumped on the Keurig bandwagon yet, and I’m not sure we’re going to.
We are big-time coffee drinkers at our house, but I’m perfectly happy with our free Gevalia coffeemaker that we got 5 years ago, and paying $100 for something that will end up costing us more with buying the k-cups just doesn’t seem justifiable right now.
BUT, I really would love to hear your thoughts on this!
If you’ve bought, or received as a gift, a Keurig, are you happy with it? Do you think it’s worth the money? Do you feel like you are able to find good deals on k-cups?
And if you have another one-cup-at-a-time coffeemaker (like the Tassimo or Breville) do you like it? Do you think it was a good purchase?
Hopefully through this series we can help each other out by sharing our opinions so others can make informed purchases!!
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I absolutely LOVE mine!!! A Must have for any coffee lover!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE IT…and I don’t even drink coffee. But my husband does and with this coffee maker I can make him a hot single cup whenever he wants one!!!!!! I will never go back to regulare coffee pots
I love my single serve Keurig so much, that I went and bought a bigger one, I will never go back to a regular coffee Maker EVER!!!
I love mine! I could never go back to a regular coffeemaker!
“WITH the holidays coming up…” Sorry y’all, it drives me nuts when I do that. I wish FB would let you edit!!
i love mine!
Totally worth every penny! Great tasting coffee with no clean up (except for cleaning machine about once a month).
I drink too many cups a day to use this
The new one comes with a carafe so you can make multiple cups at a time too. It’s nice but k cups are so ridiculous expensive.
I didn’t like mine, took it back to the store. I omly drink decaf and we went to four stores and only one had decaf and only one kind of decaf. Sorry
Love it! I drink tea, hot cocoa, coffee…it’s just awesome!!
I LOVE mine. I only drink foo-foo flavored coffee. My husband drinks regular. He only drinks 1-3 cups each morning. I do homemade lattes, cocoa, tea, etc. If you shop right you can get k-cups for 35 to 40 cents each. My husband gets more than one cup out of each k-cup in the morning. It feels like a treat without the outrageous Starbucks price.
I like mine but if you are going to have a few coffee drinkers over you definitely need another coffee maker that can handle larger quantities. The cost of the cups though…I really want to get one of those reusable k-cup things.
I have the Keurig… my husband likes it, but I could care less about it. When I make coffee, I use my regular coffee maker
I love mine so much I prefer to come home and make a cup than go to Starbucks. (I used to have 3 or 4 cups of Starbucks a day…) and the kids love that they can have hot chocolate whenever. My parents love that they can easily make tea when they visit. Did I mention I use it to make oatmeal in the morning for my kids in the morning. Such a quick breakfast! Also great when you have a recipe that calls for xx amount of boiling water.
I <3 my kuerig. Just be sure to register it in case you need a repair.
Once you go kuerig you never go back! Love mine!
I went back to the regular coffee maker, but part of the reason is my year old k cup maker isn’t dispensing water/coffee as desired, so in a way its broke and costs a lot to replace. So I went to target and bought one for 17 dollars that is a programmable one, and I’m set.
Love mine! Wouldn’t trade it for the world!
Mine broke. 🙁
We love our Keurig machine. Husband didn’t like the Gevalia coffeemaker. It was poorly designed. Costco has the best prices for the K-cups but you can find good deals online. We recently bought our Machine at Costco and was well worth the price. It came with 60 k-cups.
I own 3 of them! LOVE them!
I am not a coffee drinker, but I own a keurig for hot and iced tea and my children love it for hot chocolate! After we got ours, we bought one for my Mom and then my sister got one as well….great investment.
<3 my Keurig!
I was given one as a birthday gift, so I didn’t have to pay for it initially. And someone else gave me the reusable filter and that’s where I save a ton of money. I’m the only coffee drinker in my household and I can now make just a cup for myself instead of a pot and have coffee go to waste. When I do buy KCups, I get them on sale at Kohls and combine with 30% off or at Or I buy holiday flavors at Target on clearance after each season.
Also, I will say that it heats water to a great temperature for making tea, unlike boiling it in a kettle which can distort the flavor. And my husband makes iced tea by the glass all the time with it too. Too bad you can’t test drive one for a week :). I wasn’t interested in getting one until I used my mother-in-law’s and realized how perfect it was for me!
Love mine! We still have our traditional coffee maker for when we have several people over. We use the Keurig multiple times a day.
Hazel they have a lot of variety of decafs online…a lot!
I don’t have one…I have an espresso machine and make my own lattes and stuff…but planning on getting the small one for my husband cause its perfect for him
I always enjoy it at my friend’s houses though
I will never go back, especially with the promise of Starbucks k-cups in the future. I am a serious coffee drinker too. We also use it for hot water for all kinds of things, like oatmeal. Hot cocoa, tea…endless possibilities!!!
I LOVE mine!!! Right now, I really like the pumpkin spice k-cups from Green Mountain!
I have a Nestle Senseo. It takes pods, which are essentially a small filter with the coffee or tea in between. I got mine to try for about $20.00. I can’t remember which website I got it from, but I sign up for all kinds of trials and products. I’ve found I prefer to make a pot of coffee at a time, but my son has taken it over and he really enjoys it. I’m currently looking for a reusable filter for it as the package of pods is a bit pricey. An alternative to test-drive is offered by Sparkletts. They have a coffee maker that uses pouches that have water filters inside.
I use mine pretty much every day. I have quite a variety of k-cups, but I love the my k-cup so I can grind my own beans. I rarely buy coffee out anymore because it’s never as good as what I can make at home!
I have been on the fence about getting one, but after reading all the comments, I definitely have to get one!
lol! i think the concept sounds pretty cool since i am a lone coffee drinker. i confess though that i too am using my free gevalia coffee maker from 10 or so years ago.
I’m going back to a regular coffee maker. It doesn’t make a strong enough cup of coffee even if I use my own coffee
We love our Keurig! We use it for hot chocolate, tea, and iced tea. We don’t drink coffee, so it’s perfect for when coffee drinkers visit. I can make just one cup, and I never have to worry about it being too strong/weak (since I don’t make it often enough to know what makes a good cup!) The biggest criticisms I’ve heard are the 1) costs of the k-cups, 2) lack of availability of some kinds of coffee, and 3) the environmental waste issues. However, with the “My K-Cup,” you can use your favorite kind of coffee, it costs no more than it would to brew it in any other coffeemaker, and there’s no k-cup waste.
Love it! I drink 2-4 cups of coffee a day and apple cider when it’s cold. It brews a perfect cup everytime and I have had it for years. And no cleanup! Its a great way to start your day!
LOVE mine! Husband drink decaf and regular, i use it for regular, hot chocolate and hot apple cider! We love it-even the teenager uses it! I only buy our K-cups at coffeewiz online-pay less for bigger boxes! Also they have more variety. I also use the tank water filter and I have no issues whatsoever after a year using it! Even got my parents one after they visited and liked it so much! I will never ever go back to a regular coffee maker! After we retire from the military – and settle down somewhere, I will be upgrading to a direct water line Keurig! Cannot wait for that day!
I love mine toooooo much. They have an accessory that you can use regular coffee. So when I get a can refuse coupon. I use this little gadget. We also love Saturday frappie’s.
A definet buy for the holidays. Sam’s Club has this for $99.00. You get several free boxes of K-Cups with purchase.
<3 my Keurig!
I alternate back and forth between my Keurig and my Melita Mill N’ Brew — the Keurig if it’s only me and maybe one other person, the Melita when I have a group. Each serves a perfect purpose.
I LOVE ours. I drink the chai and my husband drinks the Newman’s Own, which I get shipped free from Costco. The chai I can get at Bed, Bath & Beyond with 20% coupons + manufacturer’s coupons.
Too much of a hassle with cleaning (descaling) etc. In the end, it is quicker (and less expensive) using a regular coffee maker. I hope Keurig improves their design so that it doesn’t has as many problems with irregular dispensing of liquid and frequent plugging. I like the idea of the system, but find it much too difficult to maintain.
We had our Keurig for 15 months and loved it. But after that, the machine went downhill quickly. We kept getting the “descale” message and then the pump wouldn’t work. My husband is an engineer and tried to take it apart, but gave up because of the poor design. These units are not built for long-term use….this is probably intentional so that coffee-addicts like us will keep buying new units.
I finally bought one on QVC for $159 and it included 3 dozen or so k cups as well as the basket to use if you prefer to use your own ground coffee. I find that the coffee inside the cup looks dry to the outside and is very messy to clean out. It’s more work than just making a pot of coffee. The coffee tastes weak, I think the water just drains through the middle of the cup leaving the majority of the grounds untouched.
Today I bought coffee that is extra fine ground in hopes this will correct the problem.
I don’t buy the k cups because they are too expensive. Even at the best price I’ve seen, a cup of coffee costs triple what it cost to make coffee the traditional way.
If the extra fine ground doesn’t work, I’m sending it back.
I’m kind of late on the question, but we love ours. My husband goes to work at 4:30 in the morning, so it’s perfect for him not to have to take the time to make a pot of coffee. It is expensive for the KCups, but about once every 2 months a 30% off coupons comes out for Kohls and I buy them online equaling about $8 for a 24 pack. So as long as I jump on deals its great. We use our pot on the weekends since we drink more and I”m up at the same time as he is. That saves on money as well.
I Now 1 year later the pot is dying and we are not sure if we will by another one. Looking for a different brand right now.
The concept is good. The machines keep breaking. I have two… both broken. Heartache is waking up on Sunday morning and not being able to have a cup of coffee. PITA. I’m looking for an alternative.
While I have had my Keurig – we have had it for over 3 years now – it is getting dicey. We clean it on a regular basis and now all we are seeing is a descale message. GRRR> it is too expensive of a machine to replace every 3-4 years.
I’ve had my Keurig for a couple months now and love it. I have finally used up most of my free K cups, still have some Hot Chocolate and Apple Cider . My husband bought the filter so we can use our own coffee, instead of expensive K cups every time. I’m not sure I would have spent $150.00 of my own money, but I used AGC from Swagbucks and so far it’s been a great investment. Family and friends love to pick out their own flavors and that’s a nice bonus.
GF owns one and so do I. Great gizmos when they’re running well. PITA when they mess up. I tried taking hers apart, and didn’t feel like undoing hoses, and snipping wires. More plumbing in there than a dishwasher!!! Each macine is about 18 months old. Thanks goodness for my Melita “funnel”! There are alternatives!
To be honest, I got mine as a Christmas gift. I immediately questioned why, as I was used to the 12 cup simple coffee makers. I spent 10 minutes just trying to find out how to make a cup. I then cursed the thing (Keurig Mini Plus) for not being able to stick my usual sized coffee cup in it. But it makes various flavors, I never seem to have a shortage of my own coffee to use in the my K-Cup. Descaling is an issue, and I’ve in fact gone so far as to run CLR through it. The hose gets clogged CONSTANTLY with coffee grinds. I think the pierce and brew system is horribly designed. The online videos about using a paper clip to declog the nozzle is an understatement of how badly these things get. I am about 11 months into having mine and I loath using it. I have a paper clip at the ready for when it acts up and gets clogged. I miss my simple coffee maker, and there sure as heck should not be so badly designed a product as these for the money you pay.
Got one for xmas and, after 2 weeks, I’m sending it back. It’s far too expensive for what it does. The coffee is weak, the sizes are very small (takes 2-3 k-cups to fill a travel mug), and if you want to use your own grounds, you have to gerry rig the whole thing to make it brew and not just blast a hole in the grounds and come out as water.
I found a solution on Youtube where you take a used single serving k-cup and clear out the filter and grounds and top. slice the top off and place it inside the reusable coffee filter underneath the filter. It keeps the water from blasting through the grounds. IMO, you shouldn’t have to go to such great lengths on such an expensive machine. I’m also seeing a lot of people talking about them breaking down after 2-3 years. I’m not interested replacing such an expensive novelty every 2-3 years.
Pure junk. I personally know of 3 people who had one for just over a year (long enough for warranty to go out) when it quit pumping water. Mine was almost 18 months old when it did the same.
Sorry… Old Post, but I wanted to share my experience.
Terrible experience with mine. They have a reputation for having quality issues. The pumps fail frequently. They have had recalls. and If you like a large strong cup of coffee, forget it. You can either get a small moderate intensity cup or a worthless and weak large cup (if your pump can actually pump the full large amount). The selected cup size doesnt always work. I have selected the large and gotten a very small amount. And the coffee is not hot enough IMO.