I’m so excited about how our Disney paint project turned out!!
I considered several different pattern options (you guys gave me tons of ideas!) but since I knew that we wanted to sell our house up here in Dallas this summer, I wanted something that would be fun for the girls but could easily go back to the neutral color right before we sold.
I decided to paint the wall a light pink (THANK YOU to Bunny who recommended in the comments on my first post to go a few shades LIGHTER than you think you want to go on the wall!) and then found some large wooden circles at Hobby Lobby that I painted with a metallic pink and a metallic purple. I put the circles on the wall with that tacky stuff that can stick to the wall (no idea what the official name is) and it turned out great!
We will also be able to move the circles with us and use them in the girls’ room in our next house.
The metallic paint that I used for the circles really does look metallic… the picture doesn’t quite do it justice. (If you’re also going to use the metallic paint, be sure to watch the videos on the Disney Paint website that show you exactly what to do for each finish since the very small print on the side of the paint can can be a little confusing.
To celebrate the new wall (everyone loved it!), Glidden paints sponsored a princess party for my girls and a few of their friends! The party was a blast and all of the kids, from 5 up through 12, had tons of fun.
Next we decorated tea cake cookie princess tiaras. I used our favorite tea cake cookie recipe, and I tell you what… it was SO HARD to resist! I’m not tempted to eat grains much anymore, but oh were these tempting!
They used pink icing as the base, glitter red icing for the jewels, white “cookie icing”, and colored sprinkles to decorate their crowns.
Our plan was to do a princess jewelry relay race after the cookie decorating, but the weather wasn’t cooperating so we skipped that part (which worked out since we needed some extra time for the no-sew tutus!)
These no-sew tutus are really easy (even my 5 year old made her own) and turned out so cute!
No Sew TuTu Tutorial >>
This took up about 45 minutes of the party time and right at $50 of the cost of the party for all of the tulle and elastic (I bought around 20 yards of tulle and could’ve used a little more, but they still turned out great).
Did you notice that we didn’t have a cake? I don’t think the girls did either. The cookies and icing had plenty of sweetness, and I made extra cookies so that the girls could take an extra home with them along with their tutu (those were the only party favors – but they were GOOD ones!) 🙂
The cookies, decorations, and makeup cost around $30 total, and all of the supplies for the tutus cost right at $50.
If you’re planning on redoing one of your kids’ rooms soon, you can play with all of the different colors for all of the themes on the Disney Paint website!
Disclaimer: Compensation and products for review were provided by Glidden via MomTrends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Glidden.
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