If you’re anything like me, the first time you saw Keto cereal on the shelf at the grocery store you were probably tempted to do a little dance right there in the cereal aisle. “No way…” you thought to yourself. “I can actually be on Keto AND have CEREAL? I can eat CEREAL like I used to and not get knocked out of Ketosis??”
It seemed too good to be true. Then, reality struck you – that nagging voice reminding you that Keto products that replace items we dearly miss usually taste of some mixture of cardboard and your pre-school sand box.
So, perhaps you passed it up, or maybe you took the plunge and tried it out only to likely be disappointed. The good news is, however, that was a few years ago, and the Keto cereal landscape has drastically changed with the high demand for Keto friendly products. Just yesterday I was at Kroger and was mesmerized by the amount of Keto cereal options, which was the inspiration for this post today. I even picked up a new one to try it out because it looked really good. But was it? Stay tuned…
So, here is a review of some of the most popular keto cereals out there, both online and at the grocery store, that rank from seriously amazing to absolutely disgusting. There ARE great tasting keto cereals out there, you just have to know the right ones to try. So, without further ado…
#6 Simple Truth Keto Grain Free Cereal EARNED Last Place
When I saw this at the store at Kroger I got really excited. Most Simple Truth products are pretty good, and I expected nothing less from their novel keto cereal offering. It was even priced in the six-ish dollar range, which is really good for a keto cereal. Those amazing Simple Truth folks did it again!
Or so I thought.
As soon as I got home I opened up the bag and poured a decent size bowl with my unsweetened almond milk. Excitedly, I took a big bite and……. pbbbttttthhhh!! Gross!! What in the heck did I just put in my mouth!?
You guys have to understand something – I have a HIGH tolerance for food. Even if something isn’t great, I’ll eat it. This time, however, I immediately I went to my trash can and poured the entire thing out. How this cereal passed product testing is beyond me. It’s absolutely disgusting. Zero stars for inedibility. Come on Simple Truth, we know you can do better!
Overall Rating: ZERO stars
Quick Nutrition Facts:
Serving Size: 3/4 cup
Protein: 12 grams
Net Carbs: 4 grams
Vegetarian (contains milk)
#5 Incredibowl Keto Friendly Cereal
Even though Incredibowl Keto Friendly Cereal is number five, it’s a big leap forward from number six. Let’s start with the positives. When I initially poured the bowl of cereal my first thought was, “this is going to be gross,” for whatever reason. I was pleasantly surprised, however, that it wasn’t near as bad as I thought and was actually decent. Another positive is that the serving size is 1 1/4 cup, so you get a good amount in a serving. You also get 15 grams of protein, which is the highest of all the keto cereals reviewed here per serving. However, the serving size is also larger, and if other cereals, such as Magic Spoon and Catalina Crunch, had the same serving size, then their protein per serving would beat Incredibowl.
It’s similar to Frosted Flakes in it’s crunchiness and even a little bit in its taste, but it does have what I can only describe as a “milky” taste to it, and someone not used to eating keto I do not think could handle it (it’s first ingredient is “mike protein concentrate”). However, unlike other keto cereals I’ve tried, it is good enough that I will be finishing the box, but I definitely will not be buying it again. It’s also a little higher in carbs, 7 grams per serving, but their serving size is also bigger, so if you only ate 1 cup (which I measured out and is a decent amount) your net carbs would be 5.6 grams, which is more doable for someone on a stricter keto diet. 2.5 stars for an okay taste and high protein.
Overall Rating: 2.5 Stars
Quick Nutrition Facts:
Serving Size: 1 1/4 cup
Protein: 15 grams
Net Carbs: 7 grams
Vegetarian (contains milk)
#4 Wonderworks KETO Friendly Cereal
So this part gets kinda bad and then gets better. When I took my first bite of Wonderworks Keto Friendly Cereal, I was sorely disappointed. It just did not have a good taste to it. I was tempted to just pour out the bowl, but as one who is not a fan of wasting food, I resisted and finished the half cup or so I poured. I was regretting that I’d poured such a large amount, but I had such high hopes that I figured I’d want to finish it.
The next day, however, I had another bowl, and I was surprised at how much more I liked it, and even enjoyed it. I’m not sure why I didn’t like it so much on day one, but it was definitely better than I thought. 3 stars for a decent taste and a good serving size.
Overall Rating: 3 Stars
Quick Nutrition Facts:
Serving Size: 1 Cup
Protein: 17 grams
Net Carbs: 7 grams
Vegetarian (contains milk)
#3 Nature’s Path Organic Keto Cereal
Nature’s Path Organic Keto Cereal earned its place as a solid third. I give it a “not too shabby” on the keto cereal taste scale. It’s a mix between tolerable and decent depending on who’s tasting it. Personally, I am on the decent side, but am no longer buying it as I only buy #1 and #2.
The pros are that a serving is one cup, so you get a bigger bowl, and it’s great for those who are vegan or just want a keto vegan cereal option. While it’s not my favorite, I would eat it without hesitation if it was all I had and did not have other keto cereals as options. There are two flavors, Cinnamon Toast and Dark Chocolate. I personally do not like the dark chocolate at all, but if you like the Cinnamon Toast you may want to give the dark chocolate a try. 4 stars for the good taste of the cinnamon, a good serving size, and a healthier formula.
Overall Rating: 4 Stars
Quick Nutrition Facts:
Serving Size: 1 cup
Protein: 7 grams
Net Carbs: 4 grams
#2 Runner Up: Catalina Crunch
Catalina Crunch is another one of those keto cereals that you’re blown away by the great taste of when you try. You think to yourself, “can this really be keto?” And with a gut-healthy blend that is organic and vegan, Catalina Crunch has a lot going for it. They have several different flavors as well, including Cinnamon Toast (my favorite), Honey Graham, Dark Chocolate, and more. You may want to grab one of their variety packs (4, 6, or 8 flavor) and find out which ones are your favorite. Also, when you subscribe you save 20% so you’re lowering your cost significantly, and is well worth it if you want to eat keto cereal on a regular basis.
The three flavors that I’ve tried that I can vouch for are the Cinnamon Toast, Honey Graham, and the Dark Chocolate. I really like mixing the dark chocolate with the Cinnamon Toast to get a chocolatey flavor without it being too overpowering. I’ve tried the fruity and must admit that I am not a fan. If you want fruity I recommend Magic Spoon, but if you want something closer (not too close though, it is keto after all) to a Cinnamon Toast Crunch style cereal, Catalina Crunch is the way to go.
The only con would be that the serving size is only 1/2 cup, and it’s five grams of net carbs, so you really have to be careful not to pour too big of a bowl so you don’t knock yourself out of ketosis. However, you do get 11 grams of protein in that half cup, so even if you did stick to the serving size it should help satisfy your cravings. Or, if you’re not on a super strict keto diet and can add another quarter or half cup, you’ll be getting quite a bit of protein per bowl which will really help satisfy those cravings.
If you’re interested, I recommend heading over to Catalina Snacks and trying out one of their variety packs or building your own. If you buy four or more it’s free shipping too. 4.5 stars for getting as close as a keto cereal can to Cinnamon Toast Crunch and healthy ingredients. It would have been 5 stars if it had a larger serving size.
Overall Rating: 4.5 stars
Quick Nutrition Facts:
Serving Size: 1/2 cup
Protein: 11 grams
Net Carbs: 5 grams
#1 All-Time Favorite: Magic Spoon Cereal
The first time I heard Magic Spoon advertised it seemed too good to be true, but with my low carb diet and their flavor offerings, I couldn’t resist giving it a try. And boy was I BLOWN AWAY. Not only did it NOT taste like cardboard, it tasted REALLY GOOD, even very close to the cereal I ate as a kid such as Fruit Loops and Frosted Cheerios. Not only this, but the serving size is one cup verses other Keto brands that claim “Keto-Friendly” but their serving size is half a cup or even less. You actually get a substantial amount of cereal with 4-5 grams of net carbs depending on the flavor, and 13-14 grams of protein!
Plus, with clean ingredients and no artificial sweeteners, Magic Spoon is a huge win. If you want to give it a try, I recommend starting with the variety pack that includes Fruity (my all-time favorite, I’m subscribed to a box of four every month), Frosted (my second favorite), Cocoa, and Peanut Butter. Other flavors they have include Blueberry, Oatmeal+Graham, Cinnamon, Maple Waffle, and Cookies and Cream. You can even build your own custom 4 or 6 pack.
I even eat it with unsweetened almond milk so there is no added carbs and I still love it! You can learn more and try it yourself at Magic Spoon here. 5 stars for unbelievably amazing taste and clean ingredients!
Overall Rating: 5 Stars
Quick Nutrition Facts:
Serving Size: 1 cup
Protein: 13-14 grams
Net Carbs: 4-5 grams
Vegetarian (contains milk)
In Conclusion: Which Keto Cereals are Worth the Money?
I want to spend my money on keto cereal where I’m going to have the best experience, especially considering how much more expensive it is than regular cereal. For me, the number one is Magic Spoon and number two is Catalina Crunch. Make sure to stay on the lookout for more keto product reviews and keto recipes here on Surviving The Stores!